19 November 2020

I blame you...

 My kids no longer want to go to church. And church I blame you...

Wow, that seems harsh; I mean isn't it my responsibility  to teach my kids about God. 

Now let me explain further... No my kids have not rejected God. Nor have the rejected saving grace. My kids believe in Jesus as their savior. They believe that he came to Earth as a baby and died on the cross for their sins. 

So what do I mean by the church is to blame..

I taught my kids that God loves them the way they are. Yet you church have taught them that they are not perfect and should be looked down on. 

I have taught my kids that God looks at their heart, Yet you have shown them that those who claim to love God have judged them by their looks.

I have taught my kids to care for those in need, Yet from you they have seen that that help is only so much if one does not change their ways or keeps making the same mistake. 

I have taught my kids that God has given them a mind to research and study and learn, Yet they have seen that if you don't follow what we teach, or you come to a different conclusion that you are just wrong and maybe your salvation needs to be questioned.

I was in a marriage where I was not valued as a woman. I was never asked if there were things going on that were leaving me emotionally scarred.

Dear friends that my kids have had, have walked away from them with no warning. Other friends have spoken badly about them behind their back and have at times told others that they should not be allowed in groups at church.

Scripture has been used against them, often taken out of context. 

This isn't just my kids, but others. My house has become a refuge for many of these kids. A place where they can hear about God, and still be accepted even if their lives are not up to par. 

I have at times felt like I was good enough to be within your walls. I have always done things different and I have often felt that I was rejected because of this.

I'm divorced and while I don't feel like I am blamed for this, I do often feel that I have been pushed aside because of it. I feel the red D on my shirt. No one wants me coming around, especially with all the young kids I still have. 

Some how I have gotten a reputation for drinking too much. Would anyone even listen and see I am not the alcoholic that many have thought I am.

I know that recently my kids have learned about how other families that used to embrace my kids now think things that are not true about them. Yes, it is true my kids are not living these great "conservative     Christian lives." But there is so much about them you have missed. 

My kids see others with much looking down on those with less. 

Yet these kids are willing to give what little they have in their pocket. I have watched my young ones run to the piggy banks to grab what change they have to give to homeless.

My hard working teens have never thought twice to help someone. They have not rejected my requests for help with food or rent or gas or "gasp" cigarettes'. 

How do we tell our kids that God loves they and not show it. How can we continue to reject them when they "sin" too much. When we have taught them to love God, and love those around them. Yet when they are not living up to what we think they should we criticize them and not welcome them into our circles. 

I have seen more and more that God has given me a wonderful place to show his love. My home will welcome your children whom no longer feel the acceptance from their God given parents.

Does this mean that I think that any thing is ok? No, they still sin  but they need to know the love that drove Jesus to the cross. Not the condemnation and guilt that makes them feel like that they are not good enough to kiss the feet of the Savior. 

How long dear church til you see how your rejection of the sick keep them from finding the healing of the one that loves them. Will you show these kids that the God of the universe has given them value and worth and they are loved. 

27 April 2020


I have dealt with depression most of my life. As a teen I was suicidal. Still not always sure how I made it through it. While the world has changed and mental health is better known (still have a ways to go I know) that was not such the case when I was a teen.

I had several people in my life as a teen and young adult that told me that I shouldn't be depressed or had nothing to be depressed about. Or they told me that I shouldn't be sharing with others my problems. I was left feeling like a burden to others. At the least I was annoying others and shouldn't bother them.

Now not all the adults in my life treated me that way. My Dad was supportive and understanding, but I think that he was unsure what to do himself, and lacked the resources to help me. Finding affordable therapy was much hard then; then it is now. We didn't have insurance and if it did, they didn't pay for any kind of therapy.

So I pushed through it. I slowly started to clam up and not talk as much.

A few years after I got married I was able to do a few sessions with a therapist at a price we could afford. I worked a little bit of issues out and for a good part of the next few years.

Though I continued to struggle I kept most of that struggle inside. A few people knew a little bit of my struggle, but I would never have admitted how bad it really was. I never let on how I truly felt.

After my ex-husband left it was the worst time of my life. I felt like I was falling apart. I was 3 months pregnant and honestly I think that and my other 8 kids was all that kept me going. Some days I could not even get out of my bed. I did get some therapy at the time and that helped. I opened up a little more then I had in the past to some close friends. But still no one truly knew how bad it really was.

Now it is 7 years later. I have continued to push on. However somethings have happened that have made me want to push everyone except my kids out of my life. I don't let people know how much I am struggling emotionally. This quarantine has  been pushing me to the edge once again. I love being home with my kids, again that has been the best part. I am not looking forward to going back to work, though I am looking forward to getting out of the house.

I know that I may need to get back into therapy, I'm not sure I want to. I will continue to push on, because that is what I do. And I will remember.... it is OK to not be OK

10 April 2020


In the past few years I have gotten to see how my parenting has changed. I always knew I wanted to be "that mom". The mom that no matter who your kids bring home, those friends feel welcomed. They feel safe, they know they are not going to be judged for their mistakes and their choices. (Not that I always agree with those choices, they kids just don't feel like they are not cared about.)

This starts with my kids. This starts with them knowing they are loved and cared about. I'm not perfect at it. I make a lot of mistakes and let my own frustrations show too often. But apologizing is something I do often. I tell my kids I'm sorry when I show my frustration about something, anything.

When my older kids were younger I did a lot more yelling then I do now. I'm not sure if I have learned to be more patient, or what.

I try to make sure I hug my kids everyday, at odd and random time just to say hey, I love you. I try to take a couple minutes each day just to be there for them. It doesn't take a lot of time to have quality time with your kids, when you are doing it all through out the day.

My kids, young kids, teens, even my adult children know they can talk to me about anything, because I have opened the lines of communication when they were young. Now do they always tell me everything, no. Often times they go to each other; but they know they can tell me and I will love them no matter what. I accept them for who they are. I tell them they are a blessing and a gift. The other day my 9 year old was laying on my back. I was having a bad day, and he goes "Mom, you are a blessing." What a wonderful thing to hear from your son.

02 April 2020

choosing to be thankful

This time is such a time of uncertainty. No one knows how long this will last and it is easy to get caught up in depression or fear. I know cause these have gripped my heart in so many ways. I am choosing today, at least for this moment to be thankful.

I'm thankful for the time I have had with my kids.

I'm thankful for my home and the neighborhood we live in.

I'm thankful we live in a time where I can order groceries to be delivered and not have to go out to get food for my family.

I'm thankful my family has been healthy.

I'm thankful that when my tire went flat I didn't have to worry about going to work, I can wait til a warm day, like today to work on it.

I have wonderful kids and a great daughter in law, and adorable granddaughter.

I'm thankful for my laptop on which I am typing this blog.

I am sure I can go on, but I think I will stop there for now.

24 March 2020

One week in

I have been off work for a week now. This however is the first week that 2 of my kids are now off work. My kids have been working in a grocery store and have decided that they are more concerned with their sister's health and my health then the need to work.

My company closed down on March 17th with a possible reopen date of April 1st. Then state wide went to April 8th. So that means at least 3 weeks home. It is so nice to be home and just be with my kids. Though I will admit that last night I had to hide in my bedroom for a bit. The kids fighting was getting on my nerves. Yes even after being a stay at home mom for so many years I do get flustered with my kids. Love them as much as I do.

21 March 2020

My thoughts on stay at home order

First of all, I am in introvert. I would rather be home then out anyway. So I have to admit on that level I am going to enjoy this. I can text people, last night I video chatted my son and he showed the video to my 8 month old granddaughter and I got to enjoy watching her crawl around her house and exploring.

On top of being an introvert, I was also a stay-at-home Mom for 19 years, until becoming a single mom sent me into the workforce 6 years ago. My youngest child is 6, and I started working when she was 8 months old. For my family it was a huge change. My oldest son had gone off to college and that left my 17 year old in charge for the day. At the time I only worked 4-5 hours maybe 3 days a week. At the time I was still able to home-school my kids.

I went through 2 different periods of time working 2 part time jobs each time for about a year and a half. At times (mostly holiday times) I worked close to 70 hours a week.

I was able to get vacation time at my jobs and I would enjoy the week at a time.

This year became a huge year of change for our family. The youngest 4 kids went to public school for the first time. I work 1 full time job now. (Although for a short time I worked a part time as well).

But on March 17th the company I work for decided that they were non-essential and it would be better for employees and the public if they closed down for 2 weeks. (Poor sales played a part in this I know too).Although with my states stay at home order I will be out of work longer. I have to say I am enjoying it.

I have home-schooled, so helping the kids do the work that they have gotten from school isn't as big of a deal.

I was a stay at home mom, so I know what it is like to have the kids around all day.

My advice.... enjoy it. Many have never had the chance to spend this much time with their kids. And really, may never have this chance again. Are they going to drive you nuts, you bet. Are you going to want to run out of the house screaming, probably.

But leave the living room a little messier to spend time around a table coloring a picture. That game you have been meaning to play with your kids, but the evening always gets away from you after homework, do it. Sit watch a movie, listen to your child read, heck even try to play that video game the teens are playing that you know you will stink at, but hey they can have fun teaching you a thing or 2.

And to those of you reading this that work in jobs that are still going Thank you!

08 February 2020

Just over a month in...

So it is now the beginning of feburary. I feel like I have already given up on this year. Not that it has been bad, or that bad things have happened, I just don't know how it is going to change. I know I have to be the one to change it. I have to make things happen. I am not sure where to begin.

I am still dealing with extreme loneliness. I want so bad to feel cared for by someone. I mean I know I am. I know my kids love me. I know my friends care. I just long to sit next to someone who I can share my day and cry with and share my anger with. There is so much I want to talk about, but just don't feel like I can and there are things I can not share with my kids.

I miss that connection with someone.

I know that I am not alone in these feelings. I know that there are many others who have the same struggles.

I feel like I have a lot I want to say, but I am tired now and must sleep.