My kids no longer want to go to church. And church I blame you...
Wow, that seems harsh; I mean isn't it my responsibility to teach my kids about God.
Now let me explain further... No my kids have not rejected God. Nor have the rejected saving grace. My kids believe in Jesus as their savior. They believe that he came to Earth as a baby and died on the cross for their sins.
So what do I mean by the church is to blame..
I taught my kids that God loves them the way they are. Yet you church have taught them that they are not perfect and should be looked down on.
I have taught my kids that God looks at their heart, Yet you have shown them that those who claim to love God have judged them by their looks.
I have taught my kids to care for those in need, Yet from you they have seen that that help is only so much if one does not change their ways or keeps making the same mistake.
I have taught my kids that God has given them a mind to research and study and learn, Yet they have seen that if you don't follow what we teach, or you come to a different conclusion that you are just wrong and maybe your salvation needs to be questioned.
I was in a marriage where I was not valued as a woman. I was never asked if there were things going on that were leaving me emotionally scarred.
Dear friends that my kids have had, have walked away from them with no warning. Other friends have spoken badly about them behind their back and have at times told others that they should not be allowed in groups at church.
Scripture has been used against them, often taken out of context.
This isn't just my kids, but others. My house has become a refuge for many of these kids. A place where they can hear about God, and still be accepted even if their lives are not up to par.
I have at times felt like I was good enough to be within your walls. I have always done things different and I have often felt that I was rejected because of this.
I'm divorced and while I don't feel like I am blamed for this, I do often feel that I have been pushed aside because of it. I feel the red D on my shirt. No one wants me coming around, especially with all the young kids I still have.
Some how I have gotten a reputation for drinking too much. Would anyone even listen and see I am not the alcoholic that many have thought I am.
I know that recently my kids have learned about how other families that used to embrace my kids now think things that are not true about them. Yes, it is true my kids are not living these great "conservative Christian lives." But there is so much about them you have missed.
My kids see others with much looking down on those with less.
Yet these kids are willing to give what little they have in their pocket. I have watched my young ones run to the piggy banks to grab what change they have to give to homeless.
My hard working teens have never thought twice to help someone. They have not rejected my requests for help with food or rent or gas or "gasp" cigarettes'.
How do we tell our kids that God loves they and not show it. How can we continue to reject them when they "sin" too much. When we have taught them to love God, and love those around them. Yet when they are not living up to what we think they should we criticize them and not welcome them into our circles.
I have seen more and more that God has given me a wonderful place to show his love. My home will welcome your children whom no longer feel the acceptance from their God given parents.
Does this mean that I think that any thing is ok? No, they still sin but they need to know the love that drove Jesus to the cross. Not the condemnation and guilt that makes them feel like that they are not good enough to kiss the feet of the Savior.
How long dear church til you see how your rejection of the sick keep them from finding the healing of the one that loves them. Will you show these kids that the God of the universe has given them value and worth and they are loved.
I. Love. This. As someone that prays to God almost every night but does not go to church, I love this. I choose not to go to church because or these very issues. Name 1 single person that doesn't sin. "Do not judge others because they sin differently than you"
Thank you. I'm glad that it is something that you can relate to
Thank you, Katie! I have felt this way for years and just didn't know how to write it. Your children and you are awesome!
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